Monday, August 25, 2014

Quotes XX

Ang tunay na lalaki nagbabago para sa babae,
hindi yong pabago-bago ng babae.

Sacrifice is the only language of love.

The truth sound insane sometimes but it doesn't mean it's not.

Never assume that someone likes you by their sweetness,
because sometimes, your're just an option when they're bored.

Never stop doing your best just because someone doesn't give your credit.


Quotes XIX

Of all the lies I've heard, I LOVE YOU was my favorite

Pangit man ako sa iyong paningin wag kang mag-alala ganun ka rin sa akin.

Magbigay ng salita na kapag binaliktad ay ganon pa rin ang basa...
for example: mom - mom

Kung ipinanganak kang mahirap... hindi mo kasalanan.
pero kapag namatay kang mahirap... kasalanan mo, dahil hindi ka nagsikap.

Hindi man ako ang babaeng hinahangad ng lahat, at least hindi ako 
yong babaeng naging girlfriend ng lahat.


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Quotes XVIII

Sometimes you have to try not to care, no matter how much you do,
because sometimes you can mean nothing to someone who means so much to you
It's not pride.  It's self-respect

Technically, I'm single.  but my heart is taken by someone I can't call my own...

Just because I don't talk to you, doesn't mean I don't think about you,
worry about you, miss you, love you, care for you, wonder how you doing.

I like it when you say "imissyou.."

I heard someone whisper your name, but when I turned around to see
who it was I was alone.  then I realized that it was my heart telling me that


Quote XVII

Do you know that simple phone call can make them happy.
Parents they didn't leave you when you were young, 
so don't leave them when they are old.

Disccussion is always better than argument.  Because argument is to find out
who is right!...  Discussion is to find out what is right.

A good life is when you assume nothing. do more.  need less. smile often. dream big.
laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are.

Sa bawat pagsubok mayron kang matututunan.  Sa bawat patak ng luha 
ay may ngiting nag-aabang.  Sa bawat dilim mayroong liwanag at pag-asa.
"Magtiwala ka lang sa sarili at manalig sa maykapal.  
Siya ang tanging gabay mo sa buhay."


Quotes XVI

There is no higher value in our society than integrity.

Your reputation and integrity are everything.  follow through on what you say 
you're going to do.  Your credibility can only be build over time, and it is built 
from the history of your words and actions.


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Quotes XV

Take risk if you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wise.

Ang nawawalang piso

God gave us two ears but one mouth, so we can hear twice as much as we say.

A man who does what he say he's going to do, has integrity.

Honor your commitments with integrity.


Quotes XIV

To be old and wise, you must first to have to be young and stupid.

Kapag may kumakanta handa na ang pang-asar mo na:
Hoy! tama na. uulan! More, more praktis

The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubt, 
while the stupid people are full of confidence.

Those who like me raise your hand, those who don't raise your standars.


Quotes XIII

Kapag may nagtanong sayo: "bakit mo minamahal yong taong ayaw naman sayo? 
madami namang diyang iba."
isagot mo: pag nauuhaw ka ba, iinom ka ba sa dagat dahil tubig din yon?!

Kahit ang lakas ng loob kong pag-tripan ka, kahit ang tapang kong awayin ka,
Tandaan mo! takot pa din akong mawala ka.

Malinaw na.
Juan: Pare saan ka ba galing at mukhang masaya ka?
Pedro: galing ako sa doctor, nakabili na ako ng hearing aid ang linaw na ng pandinig ko.
Juan: talaga? mabutin naman, magkano ang bili mo?
Pedro: kahapon lang.

Sabi nila "kung sino may kailangan, sya ang lumapit." pano yong nalulunod?
siya pa rin ba ang lalapit? Funny but look beyond the joke.  it's not always 
the people with worries should come to us for help.  sometimes we need
to be sensitive enough to know when to make the first move.

Never give meaning to a little act of sweetness, for it might give you 
a wrong impression as well as expectation.


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Quotes XII

You still make me smile. even if you are the main reason why i'm so sad.

Ang panliligaw, dapat paisa isa lang.  Hindi yan promo na
"The more entries you send, the more chances of winning".

Isang babae ang sumigaw sa loob ng simbahan:
"Itigil ang kasal! may asawa na ang lalaking yan!"
Sumigaw din ang mga tao:
"Lakasan mo pa, binyag ito tanga!"

If you have a chance to take the moment that you know will be memorable grab it
Always think that the word "next tme" is always too far.

If "plan A" didn't work. The alphabet has 25 more letters!


Quotes XI

I'm not bitter; just unsweetened

Malupit na banat ng tamad na bata sa kanyang ina.
"Umayos ka nga ma! ang diyos nga, sampu lang ang utos. ikaw madami gusto mo, ipako rin kita?"

Masarap namang maging single eh, kung minsan nga lang parang may kulang talaga.

Move on, it's just a chapter in the past, don't close the book, just turn the page.

Promises mean everything but once they are broken, sorry means nothing.


Quotes X

Naranasan mo na bang masabihan ng isang bagay na sobrang ikinatuwa mo
tas yon pala joke lang.

That's why love is madness, it's to easy to lose your mind when you lose your heart.

There are so many things you don't know about me, but im certainly hoping
you know one thing, how much i love you.

Ang dali magbigay ng advice sa kasawian ng iba.  Pero pag ikaw na mismo
yong sawi, para ka rin namang tanga.

Do i turn left, when nothing is right? or do i turn right when nothing is left?